Thursday, March 26, 2009

Infidelity Rate Gone Up Since Online Chat

OH me OH my how i have loved to chat and play in Off Topic. Now would some consider that innocent flirting or pushing the limits and stepping toward the boundaries of an affair?

Some thoughts on online affairs.
very destructive
they suck without web cams
I don't partake in them.. It's none of my business
I think they are ok if you never meet, but unsatisfying
innocent flirtation is probably fine
affairs are sad

So there you have it folks. It's bad....It's good. To each his/her own. Like any of my subjects to these questions would tell me the truth. HAHA. Well i may believe some of them.

Now that my mind is out of left field let's talk about deals. Bath & Body Works has some pretty darn good codes out there.

I'm looking to post an Nintendo Wii from Newegg here in just a min. No people they don't really go on sale, but someone is always looking for one. BTW we are in the midst of giving away our second Wii for the year. Sign up for emails to get the latest DealTaker news.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring is in the air

So why am i freezing my butt off??? Buuuut spring brings March Madness. Come on over to Dealtaker and sign up to win some swag. NCAA Basketball Picks '09 Contest

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Go ahead and check out what sales people are offering. History on St. Patrick's Day.

Uh Ohhhh!!! I just opened my bag of combos. They will all be gone before lunch. I must keep typing to keep from reaching into the bag some more.

Would you guys like to hear about how my addition is coming along? Pretty good, but i'm bizroke. Painted one room yesterday, but still needs another coat. Will be doing more painting tonight. I soooo hate painting. Oh well it will all be pretty to look at when i'm done.

Time for cereal and TV. later folks

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Monday Monday

Monday Monday, so good to me,
Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be
Oh Monday morning, Monday morning couldn't guarantee
That Monday evening you would still be here with me.

Movies for the weekend that all totally sucked. Twilight Book was good, but movie was poop. Book five that will not be published is on her site for your reading pleasure. Psst...not sure if it's as pleasurable as the others ;). Second movie for tonight was Underworld. Better than Twilight, but not great either. All time fav. vampire movie that i can think of is Blade.

I made Japanese/Hibatchi (American style) tonight. Very good if i say so myself. All that was missing was the white sauce. It needed to sit overnight for best results so i didn't make it. Buuut i did make my own teriyaki sauce. It was good.

So people i need a new doo. Well color anyways. Right now i have peek-a-boo highlights. I'm ready for something different, but want to keep my length. If "fixed" it looks about like this So pass along some suggestions. Let me see if any of you guys have any style at all. Make it quick cause these brows need a good waxing STAT!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Where have i been

Ummm hiding. Would totally like to go back into hiding tonight if i could. it's a horrible horrible night for me.

but guys you know what?!?!?! we have some awesome contests going on at Dealtaker. One lucky guy or gal will win a Nintendo Wii.

would you say i'm cheap if i told you that i bought two of the chicken strip sandwiches at Sonic off the $1 menu plain and gave the kids the chicken strips off the bun to eat? NO? AND that i saved the buns for a hamburger patty that i had cooked the night before and didn't have buns to eat it on? all only because my children that was having the chicken don't eat sandwiches. did that make sense to anyone????? yeah totally my idea. gotta save money ya know and i hate to waste. recession and all.