Monday, April 6, 2009

How Cheap Am I

We went to the movies last weekend. Saw Monsters VS Aliens. They had 2D and 3D showing. Weeeellll we still had glasses from a previous 3D show. Sooooo we paid for 2D and watched the 3D. You are a true DealTaker when you do that, right? Also we were at Lowe's and i(he thinks he helped too) got a small amount knocked off our bill. Told him i worked for a deal site and that i deserved a discount. AWESOME!!! Now to try that everywhere else and see what people say. Think they'll laugh in my face. Who Cares! Worth a shot i say.

Well i'm outta here. Need to finish my Lawn & Garden theme for today. Stop by and check it out. Here at DealTaker

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